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I am a 34 year old swede working as the lead front-end developer at a swedish web agency.

I love traveling, snowboarding and in 2023 I got my sailplane pilot licence.

When I'm at home I enjoy playing board games with my family and solo.


For the past almost 13 years I've been working with front-end development at a web agency. I've worked with companies as small as single persons and as big as multi-national companies with thousands of employees building websites and web applications.

Click here to read my resume.

Some of the languages and technologies I've worked with

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • PostCSS
  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • Vue.js (and NuxtJS)
  • React (and Next.js)
  • Alpine.js
  • WordPress & WooCommerce

.. and more.